Xadrar in it's core is a software development corporation with a primary focus on the integration of commonly used IT services like Single-Sign-On (SSO), communications (forums, chat, voice), and API usage. Geared towards individual capsuleers, corporations, and alliances these form the backbone of daily life and can make a big difference in performance. Providing premier services to its members thus making them effective in all fields as well as renting out/selling services to others are the two major pillars Xadrar builds on.
CustomersWe can take care of the technical details for you, so that you can concentrate on your core activities. Please feel free to contact CEO
Rumat if you have specific ideas/needs in this area and need anything from information, design, development, or deployment.
EmployeesWe pay our employees monthly and based on individual and corporate progress. Offering positions in all fields of both, industry and military, is crucial for our development. Our members get assistance for all kind of capsuleers and in all stages of their development.
Recruitment is limited to invitations until the official launch-date (to be announced) and will then be based on available tutor slots.
InvestorsThe investment possibilites are not finally decided, yet. A plan for buying shares is being developed. If you want to invest before this is done, please contact us to make sure your payment is recognised as an investment. Any investment payments will be considered within the coming share-program.
PolitricksWith the primary aim of developing premier solutions for capsuleers of all kinds we naturally do not per se seek enemies to not lose potential customers. However, we also develop fight-related functionality and as such have a substancial need for fights. We therefore do operate on the basis of not-blue-shoot-it (NBSI).
We welcome political contacts and are sorry if any of our test-fights have lead to losses for you. All of our charging (publicly available services as well as individual contracts) is based upon standings to provide another incentive for good relations.