

last rose of summer
Name last rose of summer
Ticker LROS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Teta
Members 13
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98382621

Members [13]


I shall not confront the Universe as an enemy, but shall accept its mysteries as gifts to be cherished. Nor shall i crudely seek to peel the layers away like the skin from an onion. Instead i shall gather them together as the tree gathers the breeze. The wind shall blow and i shall bend. The sky shall open and i shall drink my fill...
- an Achuran Stargazers prayer

No longer mere earthbeings and planetbeings are we, but bright children of the stars! And together we shall dance in and out of ten billion years - celebrating the gift of consciousness until the stars themselves grow cold and weary, and our thoughts turn again to the beginning.
- Teia: Conversations with the Universe

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-18 20:46:22
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