

the cyno is now lit oh seven
Name the cyno is now lit oh seven
Ticker 7O7O
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lord Omir Sarikusa
Members 1
Tax Rate 6.9%
corporationID 98544133

Members [1]


Eyes forward, capsuleer, the cyno is not yet lit.

Consider your modules, your rigs and ammo before you undock. For the cyno is not yet lit.

Break free of the station and witness the universe before you. For the cyno is not yet lit.

Set your ship to fly through the vastness while you wait. For the cyno is not yet lit.

Pay attention, capsuleer, for those who have gone before you call for you to join them.

The cyno is now lit.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-12-22 09:07:15
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