
NPC Corporation

Amarr Constructions
Amarr Empire
Name Amarr Constructions
Ticker AC
Faction Amarr Empire
Home Nererut
Agents 88
Members 85
TaxRate 0%

Members [85]


A low-profile, conservative construction company that likes to keep out of the lime-light. Amarr Constructions had its heyday when the Amarrians were first entering space and participated in the construction of the first star gates. The innovative side of the company is long gone, though it still retains much of its old power and majesty.
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API J:19 Dec 03:21 K:19 Dec 03:21 C:19 Dec 02:00 A:19 Dec 03:18 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Dec 03:20 S:19 Dec 02:32 W:19 Dec 03:15