
NPC Corporation

The Society of Conscious Thought
Name Genolution
Ticker GNL
Faction The Society of Conscious Thought
Home Vullat
Agents 96
Members 97
TaxRate 0%

Members [97]


Genolution is the leading cloning company in the world of EVE. Not only was it the first company to start offering clones to the public, but since then it has improved the cloning technique considerably, paving the way for others to follow in their footsteps. In YC118, operation of Genolution was transferred from the Jovian Directorate to the Society of Conscious Thought.
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API J:22 Dec 01:22 K:22 Dec 01:21 C:22 Dec 02:01 A:22 Dec 02:17 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Dec 01:51 S:22 Dec 01:35 W:22 Dec 02:15