
NPC Corporation

House of Records
Caldari State
Name House of Records
Ticker HR
Faction Caldari State
Home New Caldari
Agents 20
Members 20
TaxRate 0%

Members [20]


The fragmentation of the Caldari government has often proved to be problematic when it comes to documenting events, deals and communications. The House of Records was set up by the Caldari mega corporations to act as a central source for all this information. Information on all transactions, business deals and governmental involvements within the State must be sent here and are stored in huge data banks.
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API J:22 Dec 01:22 K:22 Dec 01:21 C:22 Dec 02:01 A:22 Dec 02:13 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Dec 01:51 S:22 Dec 01:35 W:22 Dec 01:15