
NPC Corporation

Noble Appliances
Amarr Empire
Name Noble Appliances
Ticker NA
Faction Amarr Empire
Home Nordar
Agents 33
Members 34
TaxRate 0%

Members [34]


A small manufacturing company that specializes in customized jewelry for the very wealthy. But the company's managers have been shrewd enough to expand its production line to increase its flexibility and security. Today, the company manufactures many kinds of both luxury and mundane items, usually in high quality and small numbers.
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API J:29 Dec 03:23 K:29 Dec 03:22 C:29 Dec 02:01 A:29 Dec 03:34 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:29 Dec 03:24 S:29 Dec 02:40 W:29 Dec 03:15