
NPC Corporation

Nugoeihuvi Corporation
Caldari State
Name Nugoeihuvi Corporation
Ticker NC
Faction Caldari State
Home Josameto
Agents 118
Members 113
TaxRate 0%

Members [113]


The only Caldari mega corporation that has focused on the entertainment industry. NOH, as they're commonly called, have always been suspected of strong ties to the Caldari underworld, mainly because many of their products cater to that social element or are on the borderline of legality.
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API J:19 Dec 01:21 K:19 Dec 01:21 C:19 Dec 00:00 A:19 Dec 01:53 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Dec 01:50 S:19 Dec 01:32 W:19 Dec 01:15