
NPC Corporation

Republic Security Services
Minmatar Republic
Name Republic Security Services
Ticker RSS
Faction Minmatar Republic
Home Pator
Agents 126
Members 121
TaxRate 0%

Members [121]


The Minmatars learnt early on in their freedom that it can only be kept by wrapping it in secrets and deceit. The vigilance of the RSS has helped the Republic weather many storms that threatened to engulf the fledgling state. The RSS has strong links with the underworld elements in the world of EVE, the information exchange and black marketing strengthens both sides.
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API J:21 Dec 14:22 K:21 Dec 14:21 C:21 Dec 14:01 A:21 Dec 14:28 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Dec 14:21 S:21 Dec 13:34 W:21 Dec 14:15