
Campaign: GRHS-B - Infrastructure Hub

Event IHUB Defense
System GRHS-B
Constellation 760-9C
Region Wicked Creek
Defender The Galactic Sweatshop
Triggered at 2024-12-12 03:21:15
Scheduled for 2024-12-14 03:27:58
Ended at 2024-12-14 04:49:13

Detailed Team Scores

Date/Time   Name Score
2024-12-12 03:21:15 The Galactic Sweatshop 60%
2024-12-14 03:56:50 The Galactic Sweatshop 53%
2024-12-14 03:57:21 The Galactic Sweatshop 46%
2024-12-14 03:58:23 The Galactic Sweatshop 39%
2024-12-14 04:03:03 The Galactic Sweatshop 32%
2024-12-14 04:22:46 The Galactic Sweatshop 25%
2024-12-14 04:23:17 The Galactic Sweatshop 18%
2024-12-14 04:23:48 The Galactic Sweatshop 11%
2024-12-14 04:28:59 The Galactic Sweatshop 4%
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