System Share

Name UniverseMap 43-1TL Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 5 138
Region UniverseMap Etherium Reach Moons 8 Ship Kills 0 4
Constellation UniverseConstellation 8AO-5V Belts/Icebelts 3 NPC Kills 0 369
Security Level -0.07 Security Class K4 Pod Kills 0 0
Alliance, Corp Solyaris Chtonium <SLYCE>, Alpha Republic - Transcenders of Space and Time Local Pirates Drones
Minerals Bistot, Crokite, Dark Ochre, Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Scordite, Spodumain, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Celestial Objects

Objects   Power Workforce M.Gas/h S.Ice/h
43-1TL - Star Sun B0 (Blue) 900
Stargate (Gallente Constellation)
Stargate (Gallente System)
Planet (Barren) 43-1TL I Planet (Barren) 0 3960
Planet (Lava) 43-1TL II Planet (Lava) 766
43-1TL II - Moon 1 Moon
Planet (Storm) 43-1TL III Planet (Storm) 670 0
43-1TL III - Moon 1 Moon
Planet (Barren) 43-1TL IV Planet (Barren) 0 4560
43-1TL IV - Asteroid Belt 1 Asteroid Belt
43-1TL IV - Moon 1 Moon
43-1TL IV - Moon 2 Moon
Planet (Temperate) 43-1TL V Planet (Temperate) 0 9770
43-1TL V - Moon 1 Moon
43-1TL V - Moon 2 Moon
Planet (Barren) 43-1TL VI Planet (Barren) 0 3280
43-1TL VI - Asteroid Belt 1 Asteroid Belt
43-1TL VI - Moon 1 Moon
43-1TL VI - Moon 2 Moon
Planet (Oceanic) 43-1TL VII Planet (Oceanic) 0 5010
43-1TL VII - Asteroid Belt 1 Asteroid Belt
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