System Share

Name UniverseMap 6-K738 Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 11 404
Region UniverseMap Catch Moons 46 Ship Kills 0 2
Constellation UniverseConstellation N-OGI1 Belts/Icebelts 0 NPC Kills 0 97
Security Level -0.05 Security Class I Pod Kills 0 2
Alliance, Corp Goonswarm Federation <CONDI>, DJ's Retirement Fund Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (9 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Sendaya 0.3 Ammatar Mandate
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom Goto Utopia Goto Doril Goto Sendaya

Highsec System (8 Jumps)
Map Khanid Map Keberz 0.5 Khanid Kingdom
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto QBQ-RF Goto QSM-LM Goto 36N-HZ Goto 9KOE-A Goto WD-VTV Goto SV5-8N Goto HED-GP Goto Keberz

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (6 Jumps)
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom III - Salvation Angels Trading PostTrading PostLitom III - Salvation Angels Trading Post
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly PlantAssembly PlantLitom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (6 Jumps)
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom III - Salvation Angels Trading PostTrading PostLitom III - Salvation Angels Trading Post
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly PlantAssembly PlantLitom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom

Station(s) with Medical Service (6 Jumps)
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom III - Salvation Angels Trading PostTrading PostLitom III - Salvation Angels Trading Post
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom

Station(s) with Factory Slots (6 Jumps)
Map Curse Station SystemMap Litom -0.04 Angel Cartel Litom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly PlantAssembly PlantLitom XI - Moon 2 - Guardian Angels Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom

Station(s) with Research Slots (7 Jumps)
Map Curse Station SystemMap Utopia -0.02 Angel Cartel Utopia VI - Moon 12 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical RefineryChemical RefineryUtopia VI - Moon 12 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Refinery
Map Curse Station SystemMap Utopia -0.02 Angel Cartel Utopia VI - Moon 6 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical RefineryChemical RefineryUtopia VI - Moon 6 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Refinery
Show Route Show Route 6-K738 Goto KDF-GY Goto ZXIC-7 Goto F4R2-Q Goto 1P-WGB Goto Jamunda Goto Litom Goto Utopia

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