System Share

Name UniverseMap Airmia Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 34 858
Region UniverseMap The Forge Moons 26 Ship Kills 1 2
Constellation UniverseConstellation Okkelen Belts/Icebelts 6 NPC Kills 192 3461
Security Level 0.6 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (7 Jumps)
Map Geminate Station SystemMap BWF-ZZ -0.58 Pandemic Horde (5)
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo Goto Olo Goto Osmon Goto Korsiki Goto Airaken Goto Oijanen Goto BWF-ZZ

Lowsec System (2 Jumps)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ihakana 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Friggi Goto Ihakana

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (1 Jump)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo IV - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development StudioDevelopment StudioIshisomo IV - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel BureauBureauIshisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War AcademySchoolIshisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War Academy
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (1 Jump)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel BureauBureauIshisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War AcademySchoolIshisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War Academy
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo

Station(s) with Medical Service (1 Jump)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel BureauBureauIshisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War AcademySchoolIshisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War Academy
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War AcademySchoolIshisomo VIII - Moon 11 - State War Academy
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VII - Moon 14 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Forge Station SystemMap Ishisomo 0.7 Caldari State Ishisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryIshisomo VIII - Propel Dynamics Factory
Show Route Show Route Airmia Goto Ishisomo

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