System Share

Name UniverseMap Eitu Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 30 474
Region UniverseMap The Citadel Moons 59 Ship Kills 1 5
Constellation UniverseConstellation Imurukka Belts/Icebelts 13 NPC Kills 100 2469
Security Level 0.5 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (13 Jumps)
Map Tribute Station SystemMap M-OEE8 -0.22 Fraternity. (3)
Show Route Show Route Eitu Goto Erila Goto Inoue Goto Isaziwa Goto Oiniken Goto Aikoro Goto Isikemi Goto Uosusuokko Goto Hageken Goto Vuorrassi Goto Oimmo Goto Otsasai Goto Taisy Goto M-OEE8

Lowsec System (1 Jump)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Horkkisen 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Eitu Goto Horkkisen

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu III - Moon 5 - Modern Finances DepositoryDepositoryEitu III - Moon 5 - Modern Finances Depository
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu III - Moon 9 - Modern Finances DepositoryDepositoryEitu III - Moon 9 - Modern Finances Depository
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 3 - State War AcademySchoolEitu VI - Moon 3 - State War Academy
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 7 - State and Region Bank DepositoryDepositoryEitu VI - Moon 7 - State and Region Bank Depository
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VII - Moon 2 - Impetus Development StudioDevelopment StudioEitu VII - Moon 2 - Impetus Development Studio
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VII - Moon 4 - Impetus Development StudioDevelopment StudioEitu VII - Moon 4 - Impetus Development Studio
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 3 - State War AcademySchoolEitu VI - Moon 3 - State War Academy
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 3 - State War AcademySchoolEitu VI - Moon 3 - State War Academy
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu III - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 10 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEitu VI - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Eitu 0.5 Caldari State Eitu VI - Moon 3 - State War AcademySchoolEitu VI - Moon 3 - State War Academy
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Horkkisen 0.4 Caldari State Horkkisen I - Lai Dai Corporation Research CenterResearch CenterHorkkisen I - Lai Dai Corporation Research Center
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Horkkisen 0.4 Caldari State Horkkisen XII - Caldari Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesHorkkisen XII - Caldari Navy Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route Eitu Goto Horkkisen

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