System Share

Name UniverseMap Endatoh Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 15 707
Region UniverseMap Lonetrek Moons 6 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Malariya Belts/Icebelts 5 NPC Kills 198 1774
Security Level 0.6 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (8 Jumps)
Map Pure Blind Station SystemMap 93PI-4 -0.17 Banderlogs Alliance (5)
Show Route Show Route Endatoh Goto Otalieto Goto Daras Goto Iitanmadan Goto Tamo Goto Nannaras Goto Karjataimon Goto Saranen Goto 93PI-4

Lowsec System (2 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Daras 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Endatoh Goto Otalieto Goto Daras

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech WarehouseWarehouseEndatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech Warehouse
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh V - Echelon Entertainment Development StudioDevelopment StudioEndatoh V - Echelon Entertainment Development Studio
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VI - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh VI - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEndatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech WarehouseWarehouseEndatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech Warehouse
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VI - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh VI - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEndatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech WarehouseWarehouseEndatoh IV - Moon 1 - Chemal Tech Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VI - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh VI - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEndatoh VII - Moon 2 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
In System In System

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