System Share

Name UniverseMap Esesier Planets 10 Jumps 1h/24h 0 86
Region UniverseMap Placid Moons 33 Ship Kills 0 2
Constellation UniverseConstellation Amevync Belts/Icebelts 8 NPC Kills 0 196
Security Level 0.3 Security Class D2 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Gallente Federation Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals Jaspet, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Jumps Last 48h

NPC Kills Last 48h

Ship Kills Last 48h

Pod Kills Last 48h

Stations/Outposts [3]

Name   Owner Services Type
Esesier IX - Federal Defense Union Logistic SupportEsesier IX - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support Federal Defense Union Refinery (50%), Cloning, Repair Logistic Support
Esesier X - Ducia Foundry Mining OutpostEsesier X - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost Ducia Foundry Refinery (32%), Repair Mining Outpost
Esesier X - Moon 3 - Bank of Luminaire VaultEsesier X - Moon 3 - Bank of Luminaire Vault Bank of Luminaire Refinery (50%) Vault

Occupancy Changes [41]

Date Time Faction / Action
2024-12-16 17:49 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2024-08-23 06:10 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2024-01-22 22:41 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2023-12-14 14:05 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2023-11-23 15:36 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2023-11-15 05:06 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2023-09-05 23:17 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2023-06-11 13:12 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2022-07-05 16:07 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2022-04-07 22:46 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2022-01-13 17:03 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2021-10-18 17:06 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2021-06-18 07:49 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2018-04-02 01:57 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2018-03-17 01:09 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2018-02-10 20:37 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2018-01-18 23:01 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2017-03-18 05:29 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2017-02-22 21:23 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2016-11-07 01:32 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2016-10-27 05:07 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2015-09-20 09:01 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2015-09-15 13:06 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2015-06-02 22:27 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2015-04-03 19:02 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2014-04-05 22:32 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2014-03-27 05:26 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2014-03-01 02:51 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2014-02-13 10:04 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2014-01-11 00:02 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2013-11-16 17:06 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2013-08-13 02:06 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2013-07-25 20:35 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2012-10-03 04:50 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2012-08-21 08:39 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2012-08-01 03:17 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2012-06-18 11:55 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2011-12-11 00:22 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2011-07-20 21:32 Gallente Federation Caldari State
2009-12-16 16:40 Caldari State Gallente Federation
2009-05-20 11:59 Gallente Federation Caldari State
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