System Share

Name UniverseMap Heorah Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 61 2062
Region UniverseMap Genesis Moons 36 Ship Kills 0 2
Constellation UniverseConstellation Fabas Belts/Icebelts 10 NPC Kills 47 1866
Security Level 0.5 Security Class B1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Agents [13]

Name Corporation Division / Type / Research Loc. Agent Level Quality
Heorah VII - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryHeorah VII - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Sauleken Matsatoh Kaalakiota Corporation - 4 -
Heorah VII - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryHeorah VII - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Assilot Patalle InterBus - 1 -
Eistomon Karas Kaalakiota Corporation - Generic Storyline Mission Agent - 1 -
Marttatoh Tiukiski Kaalakiota Corporation : Graviton, Mechanical - 1 -6
Heorah V - Moon 7 - Amarr Trade Registry Bureau OfficesHeorah V - Moon 7 - Amarr Trade Registry Bureau Offices
Shinsema Madomi Amarr Trade Registry - 2 -
Bomana Elchen Amarr Trade Registry - 3 -
Urjamal Arety Amarr Trade Registry - 3 -
Heorah VI - Moon 17 - The Scope Development StudioHeorah VI - Moon 17 - The Scope Development Studio
Atris Dubesune The Scope Yes 1 -
Tameroy Crerite The Scope - 3 -
Heorah VI - Moon 14 - The Scope PublisherHeorah VI - Moon 14 - The Scope Publisher
Eranthare Alillere The Scope - Generic Storyline Mission Agent - 1 -
Estime Hovrelaert The Scope - 2 -
Thier Joon The Scope - 3 -
Chalenet Plarrovon The Scope Yes 4 -
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