System Share

Name UniverseMap Lashkai Planets 10 Jumps 1h/24h 1 181
Region UniverseMap Domain Moons 33 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Maseend Belts/Icebelts 13 NPC Kills 21 962
Security Level 0.9 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (7 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap KBP7-G -0.26 Curatores Veritatis Alliance (5)
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah Goto Yuhelia Goto Hati Goto Uadelah Goto Esescama Goto Dital Goto KBP7-G

Lowsec System (5 Jumps)
Map Domain Map Galeh 0.4 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah Goto Aghesi Goto Patzcha Goto Madimal Goto Galeh

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (1 Jump)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Maiah 0.8 Amarr Empire Maiah IV - Moon 1 - Ducia Foundry RefineryRefineryMaiah IV - Moon 1 - Ducia Foundry Refinery
Map Domain Station SystemMap Maiah 0.8 Amarr Empire Maiah VIII - Moon 3 - Ducia Foundry RefineryRefineryMaiah VIII - Moon 3 - Ducia Foundry Refinery
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (1 Jump)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Maiah 0.8 Amarr Empire Maiah IV - Moon 1 - Ducia Foundry RefineryRefineryMaiah IV - Moon 1 - Ducia Foundry Refinery
Map Domain Station SystemMap Maiah 0.8 Amarr Empire Maiah VIII - Moon 3 - Ducia Foundry RefineryRefineryMaiah VIII - Moon 3 - Ducia Foundry Refinery
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah

Station(s) with Medical Service (2 Jumps)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Aghesi 0.8 Amarr Empire Aghesi VI - Moon 10 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesAghesi VI - Moon 10 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah Goto Aghesi

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Hamse 0.9 Amarr Empire Hamse IX - Moon 13 - Imperial Armaments FactoryFactoryHamse IX - Moon 13 - Imperial Armaments Factory
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Hamse

Station(s) with Research Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Mista 0.5 Amarr Empire Mista V - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryFactoryMista V - Moon 4 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Lashkai Goto Maiah Goto Aghesi Goto Murzi Goto Mista

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