System Share

Name UniverseMap Uesuro Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 12 614
Region UniverseMap Lonetrek Moons 38 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Malariya Belts/Icebelts 8 NPC Kills 145 1720
Security Level 0.5 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (9 Jumps)
Map Cloud Ring Station SystemMap W-4NUU -0.02 Apocalypse Now. (3)
Show Route Show Route Uesuro Goto Elanoda Goto Ohbochi Goto Raihbaka Goto Kinakka Goto Martoh Goto Kehjari Goto Villasen Goto Okagaiken Goto W-4NUU

Lowsec System (2 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Map Ohbochi 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Uesuro Goto Elanoda Goto Ohbochi

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro II - Echelon Entertainment Development StudioDevelopment StudioUesuro II - Echelon Entertainment Development Studio
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro II - Moon 1 - Minedrill RefineryRefineryUesuro II - Moon 1 - Minedrill Refinery
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro IV - State War AcademySchoolUesuro IV - State War Academy
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied KnowledgeSchoolUesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied Knowledge
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro II - Moon 1 - Minedrill RefineryRefineryUesuro II - Moon 1 - Minedrill Refinery
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro IV - State War AcademySchoolUesuro IV - State War Academy
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied KnowledgeSchoolUesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied Knowledge
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro IV - State War AcademySchoolUesuro IV - State War Academy
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied KnowledgeSchoolUesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied Knowledge
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro IV - State War AcademySchoolUesuro IV - State War Academy
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUesuro V - Moon 15 - Lai Dai Protection Service Assembly Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Uesuro 0.5 Caldari State Uesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied KnowledgeSchoolUesuro VI - Moon 1 - School of Applied Knowledge
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Endatoh 0.6 Caldari State Endatoh IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryEndatoh IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Show Route Show Route Uesuro Goto Aivoli Goto Endatoh

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