Alliance Share

Name G-R-I-E-V-A-N-C-E
Ticker GRIEF
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2009-06-01
Closed 2011-01-03
AllianceID 1575245587

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [106]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
The Commerce FoundationDead TCOFO 0 2009-06-02 21:51:00 2009-06-07 21:00:06
Pineapple Express Assult Squad -PEAS 5 2009-06-05 15:43:00 2009-06-08 15:02:04
CCMI Gallente DivisionDead .CCMI 0 2009-06-13 12:00:00 2009-06-15 11:00:00
O.N.I. Special Weapons Development O.N.I 5 2009-06-13 12:00:00 2009-06-15 11:00:00
Red-Soveriegn RD- 6 2009-06-16 16:27:00 2009-06-18 15:02:04
Necrostar Acquisitions N-A.S 2 2009-06-15 16:53:00 2009-06-18 15:02:04
The Commerce FoundationDead TCOFO 0 2009-06-12 20:42:00 2009-06-21 15:02:03
Burning Nights BMFG 3 2009-06-13 14:13:00 2009-06-21 15:02:03
Rebirth ArmadaDead RBAA 0 2009-06-02 21:51:00 2009-06-21 15:02:03
Grim Templars GT3 1 2009-06-20 02:51:00 2009-06-21 15:02:03
Intergalactic Syndicate XISX 37 2009-06-17 17:45:00 2009-06-22 16:04:11
Division StahlengelDead DIVST 0 2009-06-21 17:44:00 2009-06-26 15:02:04
Massive MovementDead MAVE 0 2009-06-28 16:37:00 2009-06-29 16:04:10
Carbon CorporationDead CACO 0 2009-07-10 06:58:00 2009-07-12 15:02:03
P.A.N.I.C PAN. 5 2009-07-19 18:27:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Drones to research KUMAR 7 2009-07-07 17:13:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Red-Soveriegn RD- 6 2009-07-24 19:44:00 2009-07-26 16:04:09
Integen Advanced Research and Development Labs IARDL 5 2009-07-26 04:22:00 2009-07-26 16:04:09
KFG Inc.Dead KFG 0 2009-07-06 17:54:00 2009-08-01 15:02:03
O.N.I. Special Weapons Development O.N.I 5 2009-07-02 04:19:00 2009-08-01 15:02:03
university for trade and warDead UFTAW 0 2009-07-05 21:26:00 2009-08-02 15:02:08
SpiceJet SPJT 1 2009-07-14 02:29:00 2009-08-02 15:02:08
Pumping And Slapping That AssDead PA5TA 0 2009-08-01 07:09:00 2009-08-03 21:00:16
Diplomatic Security Service PRTCT 1 2009-08-01 06:09:00 2009-08-05 21:00:17
Diplomatic Security Service PRTCT 1 2009-08-08 18:49:00 2009-08-09 16:04:09
Diplomatic Security Service PRTCT 1 2009-08-11 01:41:00 2009-08-11 16:04:10
Red-Sovereign Academy RSA- 3 2009-08-10 01:11:00 2009-08-11 16:04:10
Red-Soveriegn RD- 6 2009-07-28 23:31:00 2009-08-18 15:02:06
Young Enterprise YUNGE Muh Zkill... 1 2009-08-13 21:47:00 2009-08-18 15:02:06
Naughty By Nature O-P-P 3 2009-08-26 09:22:00 2009-08-28 16:04:06
ThunderStrike SwordsDead TS.S 0 2009-08-12 20:38:00 2009-08-30 15:02:03
The Paragon Industries TPARA 21 2009-08-25 04:30:00 2009-08-31 21:00:10
Eveonauts -INC- 7 2009-08-15 19:53:00 2009-09-01 15:02:04
The Panopticon ISIS. 2 2009-07-03 23:10:00 2009-09-03 15:02:04
The Eternal Darkness of The Poison Blade ENSL 8 2009-09-03 03:27:00 2009-09-03 15:02:04
Royal Khanid Industry R.K.I 1 2009-08-27 13:04:00 2009-09-05 16:04:14
ThunderStrike SwordsDead TS.S 0 2009-09-02 17:27:00 2009-09-06 16:04:03
Armored Research Initiative ARI52 10 2009-08-02 05:00:00 2009-09-18 16:04:09
The Beach Bums BCBM 3 2009-09-06 04:45:00 2009-09-27 16:04:09
Caldari Pest ControlDead PESTC 0 2009-08-10 18:41:00 2009-10-01 15:02:03
Strong Backs Inc.Dead STBAI 0 2009-09-30 03:39:00 2009-10-03 21:00:11
O.N.I. Special Weapons Development O.N.I 5 2009-08-03 07:04:00 2009-10-06 21:00:09
Believe KoKo XXSXX 7 2009-09-27 20:11:00 2009-10-10 15:02:03
Intergalactic Syndicate XISX 37 2009-06-28 21:37:00 2009-10-11 21:00:10
Yankies YANKE 5 2009-08-12 22:38:00 2009-10-12 21:00:07
O.N.I. Special Weapons Development O.N.I 5 2009-10-11 20:17:00 2009-10-15 15:02:03
Believe KoKo XXSXX 7 2009-10-13 15:51:00 2009-10-15 15:02:03
Rising Phoenix VenturesDead RPV 0 2009-10-02 12:25:00 2009-10-16 21:00:06
CASCADE OF SPECTRES EYEZZ 13 2009-08-06 14:24:00 2009-10-17 15:02:03
Sankkasen Mining Conglomerate SKMC 5 2009-10-06 05:52:00 2009-10-18 21:00:05
Light of Serenity .L.S. 14 2009-08-22 22:27:00 2009-10-18 21:00:05
Trident Enterprises TRIE 9 2009-08-02 08:00:00 2009-10-18 21:00:05
Griefers AnonymousDead GRANO 0 2009-09-02 15:27:00 2009-10-18 21:00:05
Sankkasen Mining Conglomerate SKMC 5 2009-10-19 22:52:00 2009-10-20 15:02:03
United Society of the Dark Horizon USDH 2 2009-08-12 20:38:00 2009-10-20 15:02:03
Legion Federation LEFD 24 2009-08-01 20:00:00 2009-10-20 15:02:03
Serenity Ascension SASCN 7 2009-07-27 23:52:00 2009-10-20 15:02:03
Answer To Mankind A.M 30 2009-06-13 23:13:00 2009-10-21 15:02:03
Paint-It-Black Industries P-I-B 3 2009-06-25 18:10:00 2009-10-21 15:02:03
10TH Wolf 10THW 4 2009-09-08 18:29:00 2009-11-10 16:02:03
E-x7 Network E-X7 4 2009-08-23 21:16:00 2009-11-11 22:00:07
Fortis fortuna adiuvat 4TUNE 65 2009-10-03 21:51:00 2009-11-14 17:28:05
Metalocalypse Inc. ROXZO 7 2009-09-02 15:27:00 2009-11-17 18:56:49
Wings of Freedom W O F 6 2009-09-27 20:11:00 2009-11-18 02:57:01
Expolited Dragon Corp EXPOL 26 2009-10-30 14:57:00 2009-11-19 15:36:24
the evil ones EEVIL 6 2009-09-06 06:46:00 2009-11-23 03:39:23
Sugadores de Buracos SUGAB 1 2009-11-15 08:06:00 2009-11-23 03:39:23
Friends Fleet FROTA 7 2009-10-31 18:39:00 2009-11-23 03:39:23
Medical Research AssociationDead GMRAF 0 2009-11-11 20:11:00 2009-11-23 03:39:23
Hempire CorporationDead HECO 0 2009-11-21 22:30:00 2009-11-23 03:39:23
BlackTalon Mining Corp B M C 67 2009-09-05 19:45:00 2009-11-29 00:54:12
Hempire CorporationDead HECO 0 2009-11-24 16:26:00 2009-12-20 13:52:33
the city kingsDead THCKS 0 2009-12-21 18:04:00 2009-12-30 19:07:01
Farscape Futures FSPFS 8 2009-11-23 20:52:00 2009-12-31 02:07:15
Remainants of FreedomDead REMAI 0 2009-12-29 22:57:00 2010-01-02 01:09:10
Quantum Star Alliance HoldingsDead QSA 0 2009-12-20 21:33:00 2010-01-02 01:09:10
victory unto deathh V.U.D 3 2010-01-08 14:23:00 2010-01-15 02:11:11
Tactical Delivery TAC-D 2 2009-11-02 20:45:00 2010-01-20 03:22:45
JADE Enterprise JADEE 16 2010-02-01 19:08:00 2010-02-04 09:31:26
Diligentia Invictus Expeditio DIEX 1 2010-01-28 20:07:00 2010-02-04 23:31:59
BLACKLISTED INC BKLD 3 2010-02-06 22:10:00 2010-02-07 19:34:34
Golden Unicorn IndustriesDead GNUNI 0 2010-02-07 16:51:00 2010-02-07 19:34:34
Remainants of FreedomDead REMAI 0 2010-01-05 21:40:00 2010-02-07 20:34:37
Stellar Construction and Mining. .SCM. 15 2010-02-06 22:10:00 2010-02-11 21:48:10
Raptor EnterpriseDead PR66 0 2010-02-02 21:34:00 2010-02-14 01:55:09
GREEN BANDITS GBSS 21 2010-02-22 17:59:00 2010-02-24 22:10:33
SCORCH ENTERPRISE 442 2 2010-01-16 18:00:00 2010-02-24 22:10:33
S-im- C-A-M -SCAM 2 2010-03-04 18:30:00 2010-03-20 16:06:48
RazorBlade Smile Inc. RAZO 12 2009-06-01 21:25:00 2010-03-20 20:06:56
Griefers AnonymousDead GRANO 0 2009-10-29 16:49:00 2010-03-20 20:06:56
sIK PuPPyS SIKP 2 2010-03-23 21:14:00 2010-03-24 02:25:22
Conjectural Technologies CJTEC 1 2009-12-11 14:05:00 2010-03-28 18:06:17
RazorBlade Smile Inc. RAZO 12 2010-03-25 02:12:00 2010-03-28 18:06:17
Universal Trade IncDead -U.T- 0 2010-05-03 15:28:00 2010-05-04 19:57:28
Brutalis Militia BTMA 107 2010-03-27 02:42:00 2010-05-22 14:22:26
Umbrella Group -UMG- 12 2010-03-30 13:40:00 2010-05-22 14:22:26
The Fallen OdysseyDead .T.F. 0 2010-03-27 17:01:00 2010-05-22 14:22:26
Temptations Plymouth 6XXX9 5 2010-03-30 13:40:00 2010-05-22 14:22:26
Grief Executive GREF 1 2010-05-30 21:50:00 2010-06-24 17:15:42
Mining Platoon Lemming Devision MPLD 7 2010-06-21 15:58:00 2010-07-13 20:40:37
Blacksun Rising IncDead BRSNG 0 2010-06-13 21:58:00 2010-07-13 20:40:37
Riders On The Storm RO-TS 5 2010-06-16 03:35:00 2010-07-13 20:40:37
Horseriders of the First Apocalypse HOTFA 1 2010-06-19 04:35:00 2010-07-13 20:40:37
hippy fist HIPFS 3 2010-07-04 23:20:00 2010-07-14 11:41:08
UNMU UNMU 2 2010-06-16 22:30:00 2010-08-22 23:24:20
G-R-I-E-V-A-N-C-E HOLDINGSDead G.A.H 0 2010-04-07 17:29:00 2011-01-03 12:07:17
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