Alliance Share

Marine Division
Name Marine Division
Ticker MARIN
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2019-05-11
Closed 2021-10-15
AllianceID 99009138

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [32]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Killa's Komandoes KKEKW 1 2020-05-14 23:11:58 2020-05-18 13:00:39
Midnight Fenrir Corps MIDFC 2 2020-05-29 21:31:06 2020-06-13 21:46:05
Optimis ImperiumDead OI03 0 2020-05-27 23:31:52 2020-06-13 22:46:02
Triglavia Kollektiv 3GLK 1 2019-12-23 15:00:30 2020-12-22 12:01:04
Nasranite Watch NAERY 21 2021-02-23 23:00:57 2021-02-26 09:45:08
Triglavia Kollektiv 3GLK 1 2021-02-26 18:46:05 2021-03-02 09:45:44
Ramsgate Incorporated RAMSO 3 2021-02-12 22:01:01 2021-03-03 13:46:03
The German Caldari ForcesDead TGCFS 0 2021-02-12 22:01:01 2021-03-06 10:16:03
Triglavia Kollektiv 3GLK 1 2021-04-10 23:01:04 2021-04-20 06:31:05
Melphalan ASCT. Curatores Veritatis Alliance 55 2021-01-13 20:01:03 2021-06-27 12:15:59
T-Wrecks -TRX- R I O T 6 2021-05-03 17:30:23 2021-06-29 20:15:27
The Veterans' Lounge VETL 4 2021-04-07 18:01:01 2021-06-29 20:15:27
The Industry Kingdom I-KIN 1 2021-03-09 00:45:08 2021-07-06 17:15:59
R.O.E.C.C. - CORPORATION ROECC 1 2021-01-21 11:36:31 2021-07-06 17:15:59
Triglavia Kollektiv 3GLK 1 2021-06-21 12:01:02 2021-07-06 22:15:59
Kriegsmarine.Dead KRKMA 0 2019-05-19 21:47:00 2021-07-13 22:00:15
Kurd PeshmergaDead K10P 0 2021-02-03 03:15:56 2021-07-13 22:00:15
Gammastrahlen .GAST 6 2021-06-28 20:16:00 2021-07-13 22:00:15
Food Relief Service FRSRV 2 2021-03-09 00:45:08 2021-07-13 22:00:15
QSY Murder Foxes QSYMF 15 2021-02-13 22:05:34 2021-07-13 22:00:15
Private Security Squad ISEC 20 2021-01-29 02:01:04 2021-07-14 10:00:59
Plarium Marketing LLC RSLEG 3 2021-05-28 17:46:05 2021-07-16 18:01:00
Midnight Fenrir Corps MIDFC 2 2021-02-08 07:45:16 2021-08-15 13:00:54
Capsized Inkura Corporation POL66 1 2021-07-14 23:01:03 2021-08-28 22:31:02
Death Grips 666 G666 1 2021-03-09 18:01:04 2021-08-28 22:31:02
Barley and Hops Aprreciation Society BARLE 2 2021-02-23 23:00:57 2021-08-28 22:31:02
Outcast Marine SFDead MARSF 0 2021-01-04 01:30:29 2021-08-28 22:31:02
We Are ExpensiveDead WAEXP 0 2021-08-31 13:46:06 2021-09-22 08:01:03
Shield-and-Sword SH-SW 239 2021-04-02 19:00:46 2021-10-15 21:12:05
Armored Business ARMB 5 2019-05-11 18:18:51 2021-10-15 21:12:05
Nasranite Watch NAERY 21 2021-03-09 00:45:08 2021-10-15 21:12:05
United Caldari Navy UCN- United Caldari Space Command. 96 2021-08-26 09:01:00 2021-10-15 21:12:05
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