System Share

Name UniverseMap Hath Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 2 106
Region UniverseMap Tash-Murkon Moons 68 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Peges Belts/Icebelts 9 NPC Kills 0 712
Security Level 0.8 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (4 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap Y-MPWL -0.09 Now You're Gone (5)
Show Route Show Route Hath Goto Uhodoh Goto Esa Goto Kari Goto Y-MPWL

Lowsec System (7 Jumps)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Gyerzen 0.4 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Hath Goto Uhodoh Goto Zehru Goto Mani Goto Seil Goto Sehmosh Goto Dabrid Goto Gyerzen

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hath 0.8 Amarr Empire Hath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam WarehouseWarehouseHath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hath 0.8 Amarr Empire Hath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam WarehouseWarehouseHath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service (3 Jumps)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Tew 0.9 Amarr Empire Tew IX - Moon 13 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesTew IX - Moon 13 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Tew 0.9 Amarr Empire Tew IX - Moon 14 - Expert Distribution Retail CenterRetail CenterTew IX - Moon 14 - Expert Distribution Retail Center
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Tew 0.9 Amarr Empire Tew VII - Imperial AcademySchoolTew VII - Imperial Academy
Show Route Show Route Hath Goto Uhodoh Goto Zehru Goto Tew

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hath 0.8 Amarr Empire Hath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam WarehouseWarehouseHath IV - Moon 6 - Viziam Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (5 Jumps)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Tash-Murkon Prime 0.8 Amarr Empire Tash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactoryTash-Murkon Prime II - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Hath Goto Uhodoh Goto Zehru Goto Tew Goto Emrayur Goto Tash-Murkon Prime

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