System Share

Name UniverseMap Nani Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 48 1870
Region UniverseMap Pochven Moons 52 Ship Kills 1 71
Constellation UniverseConstellation Krai Svarog Belts/Icebelts 0 NPC Kills 16 376
Security Level -1.00 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 61
Alliance, Corp - Local Pirates
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Jumps Last 48h

NPC Kills Last 48h

Ship Kills Last 48h

Pod Kills Last 48h

Stations/Outposts [4]

Name   Owner Services Type
Nani I - Svarog Clade Extractive TerminusNani I - Svarog Clade Extractive Terminus Svarog Clade Refinery (50%), Repair
Nani IV - Moon 2 - The Convocation of Triglav Semiosis TheaterNani IV - Moon 2 - The Convocation of Triglav Semiosis Theater The Convocation of Triglav Refinery (50%), Repair
Nani V - Moon 18 - Svarog Clade Bioadaptation ChambersNani V - Moon 18 - Svarog Clade Bioadaptation Chambers Svarog Clade Refinery (50%), Cloning, Research
Nani VIII - Moon 2 - Svarog Clade Mutaplasmid FarmNani VIII - Moon 2 - Svarog Clade Mutaplasmid Farm Svarog Clade Refinery (50%), Cloning, Research
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