System Share

Name UniverseMap Yuzier Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 130 2953
Region UniverseMap Derelik Moons 30 Ship Kills 0 4
Constellation UniverseConstellation San Matar Belts/Icebelts 10 NPC Kills 199 5189
Security Level 0.9 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 8
Faction Ammatar Mandate Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (7 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap G-5EN2 -0.20 Curatores Veritatis Alliance (3)
Show Route Show Route Yuzier Goto Akpivem Goto Asghatil Goto Jarizza Goto Bar Goto Gomati Goto Assah Goto G-5EN2

Lowsec System (4 Jumps)
Map Derelik Map Abha 0.4 Ammatar Mandate
Show Route Show Route Yuzier Goto Nirbhi Goto Nikh Goto Amphar Goto Abha

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier III - Nefantar Miner Association Mining OutpostMining OutpostYuzier III - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading PostTrading PostYuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading Post
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier III - Nefantar Miner Association Mining OutpostMining OutpostYuzier III - Nefantar Miner Association Mining Outpost
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading PostTrading PostYuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading Post
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading PostTrading PostYuzier VII - Trust Partners Trading Post
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Yuzier 0.9 Ammatar Mandate Yuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantYuzier V - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (3 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Zemalu 0.7 Ammatar Mandate Zemalu IX - Moon 2 - Thukker Mix FactoryFactoryZemalu IX - Moon 2 - Thukker Mix Factory
Show Route Show Route Yuzier Goto Akpivem Goto Maspah Goto Zemalu

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