Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:43:49 - Live Ticker



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-This corp was founded by the direct decendents of Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder General Who came to note in england in 1644.+This corp was founded by the direct decendents of Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder General Who came to note in england in 1644.<br>We of the INQUISTION, as instructed by GOD will carry on the good lords work and perge all heretics from the lords realms.<br><br>[Hopkins and his men throw three securely-bound people into the moat as a witchcraft test] <br>Matthew Hopkins: They swim... the mark of Satan is upon them. They must hang. <br><br>[a tied-up woman Hopkins has thrown into the moat to test for witchcraft drowns] <br>Matthew Hopkins: She was innocent.
-We of the INQUISTION, as instructed by GOD will carry on the good lords work and perge all heretics from the lords realms. 
-[Hopkins and his men throw three securely-bound people into the moat as a witchcraft test]  
-Matthew Hopkins: They swim... the mark of Satan is upon them. They must hang.  
-[a tied-up woman Hopkins has thrown into the moat to test for witchcraft drowns]  
-Matthew Hopkins: She was innocent. 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:43:49 Corporation Description
Corporation INQUISTION Member 1
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