Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:43:50 - Live Ticker



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-MISSION STATEMENT: To become a force of great corporate power through military and economic growth. 
-We are A young, hungry, military, and economically motivated corporation of individuals. In our short existence as a corporation we have allied ourselves with a competent low sec. alliance and established a reasonably secure niche in .0 space. This has been achieved so far by A majority of aggressive pilots with limited skills. We offer to any brave pilot no matter your experience access to A player owned station in .0 space to safely operate from, ventrilo communications, and through our alliance ties, an opportunity to prosper economically and militarily while fine tuning your skills and abilities. We have a good balance of military and industrial pilots and are striving to maintain this positive chemistry through our selective recruitment process. +MISSION STATEMENT: To become a force of great corporate power through military and economic growth.<br><br>We are A young, hungry, military, and economically motivated corporation of individuals. In our short existence as a corporation we have allied ourselves with a competent Null Sec alliance and established a reasonably secure niche in .0 space. This has been achieved so far by A majority of motivated and aggressive pilots. We offer to any brave pilot no matter your experience access to player owned stations in .0 space to safely operate from, Team Speak communications, and through our alliance ties, an opportunity to prosper economically and militarily while fine tuning your skills and abilities. We have a good balance of military and industrial pilots and are striving to maintain this positive chemistry through our selective recruitment process.<br><br>OUR REQUIREMENTS:<br>Must be Team Speak capable<br>Must have at least 10 mil SP.<br>Demonstrate A desire to operate in Null Sec Space,<br>be an active member and participate with corp functions and Alliance CTA's
-Must be ventrilo capable 
-Must have an active account of 30 days or more 
-Demonstrate A desire to operate in low sec from time to time 
-be an active member and participate with corp functions 
-Our Headquarters office is located at Airaken Sisters of Eve Bureau. 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:43:50 Corporation Description
Corporation Military Mining and Manufacturing Member 6
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