Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:47:53 - Live Ticker



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-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Home for those Who wish to expand their careers in Research and Manufacturing.Research can be a tedious job.Such as finding the proper place to put the hem on a skirt.But hey,somebodies gotta do it.<br><br>We offer weekly pay for those who participate in corp ops,our primary focus is PVE and we are seeking those interested in mining,marketing,production,and missioners.<br><br>New recruits need to be willing to train </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:3373">starbase defense management</a></font> +Home for those Who wish to expand their careers in Research and Manufacturing.Research can be a tedious job.Such as finding the proper place to put the hem on a skirt.But hey,somebodies gotta do it.
 +We offer weekly pay for those who participate in corp ops,our primary focus is PVE and we are seeking those interested in mining,marketing,production,and missioners.
 +New recruits need to be willing to train starbase defense management

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:47:53 Corporation Description
Corporation SKIRT Labs Member 15
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