Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:07:14 - Live Ticker



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-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">Well Anyway we are a fun and happy ( thats happy with no artificial stimulation ) group of miner/ mission runners that just love everybody, always looking for fun and happy people to come join us and fiddle with roids in the backwaters also we have ambitions to go move into low sec and 0.0 for some reason or another, I mean all corp bios seem to say that so we want to do it aswell. Also this whole 0.0 hardon that alot of people have we want a 0.0 hardon aswell then when we have the mother of all dongs pounding along through the stars coming in yur system and entering YOUR stations in and out in and out we will go making you and all yours our fun toys, then we will have spent our urges we will flop ina comfy chair and reflect that all in all, 0.0 was just like a quickie, great idea at the time but once you've F@@#ed the locals your left with a disapointed feeling and just want a hot shower. So untill then we may just continue basicaly being the "Passive Win" so best you just give in now, so much better if you don't struggle.<br><br><br>merc contracts contacts: </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1385//90212028">tora bushid</font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">o</a> for EU <br>and </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><a href="showinfo:1375//1303375078">Ka'Hal</font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff">e</a> for USA tz's</font> +Well Anyway we are a fun and happy ( thats happy with no artificial stimulation ) group of miner/ mission runners that just love everybody, always looking for fun and happy people to come join us and fiddle with roids in the backwaters also we have ambitions to go move into low sec and 0.0 for some reason or another, I mean all corp bios seem to say that so we want to do it aswell. Also this whole 0.0 hardon that alot of people have we want a 0.0 hardon aswell then when we have the mother of all dongs pounding along through the stars coming in yur system and entering YOUR stations in and out in and out we will go making you and all yours our fun toys, then we will have spent our urges we will flop ina comfy chair and reflect that all in all, 0.0 was just like a quickie, great idea at the time but once you've F@@#ed the locals your left with a disapointed feeling and just want a hot shower. So untill then we may just continue basicaly being the "Passive Win" so best you just give in now, so much better if you don't struggle.
 +merc contracts contacts: tora bushido for EU
 +and Ka'Hale for USA tz's

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:07:14 Corporation Description
Corporation Count With Teddy Mercenaries Member 2
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