Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:23:07 - Live Ticker



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 +The Netharian Empire is a corporation looking for recruits, We are Mainly a pvp/industry corp based on military structure. All people welcome. No Sp Required. Must have a will to pilot in low to 0.0 sec.
 +Recruiting is open.
 +Major pvp Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays
 +Major industry/missioning nights: Wednesday's
-The Netharian Empire is a corporation looking for recruits, We are Mainly a pvp/industry corp based on military structure. All people welcome. No Sp Required. Must have a will to pilot in low to 0.0 sec.<br><br>Recruiting is open.<br><br>Major pvp Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays<br><br>Major industry/missioning nights: Wednesday's<br><br>We hail a strong military structure, providing good morale and succession rates for our fleets. We destroy our enemies within a moments notice, The Netharian Empire cannot risk betrayal or lives. Oohrah. Trust me, it's worth it to enlist in our ranks.<br><br>Industrial pilots are very much needed. <br><br>Do not ask for ISK or Gear/ships off the bat please, that means if you join, don't ask for stuff if your new to the corp, we're not a charity.<br><br>Rules: 1: Respect all higher ranks than you.<br>2: Do not consistantly ask for gear or money (already stated)<br>3: Do not shoot friendlies that arnt sparing with you.<br>4: Ventrillo is mandatory for fleet ops, Mic or not.<br><br>Contact <a href="showinfo:1378//1510933300">Frostbane Fallen</a> for more information. Contact <a href="showinfo:1375//1481479597">Vae Hykova</a> for diplomacy.+We hail a strong military structure, providing good morale and succession rates for our fleets. We destroy our enemies within a moments notice, The Netharian Empire cannot risk betrayal or lives. Oohrah. Trust me, it's worth it to enlist in our ranks.
 +Industrial pilots are very much needed.
 +Do not ask for ISK or Gear/ships off the bat please, that means if you join, don't ask for stuff if your new to the corp, we're not a charity.
 +Rules: 1: Respect all higher ranks than you.
 +2: Do not consistantly ask for gear or money (already stated)
 +3: Do not shoot friendlies that arnt sparing with you.
 +4: Ventrillo is mandatory for fleet ops, Mic or not.
 +Contact Frostbane Fallen for more information. Contact Vae Hykova for diplomacy.

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:23:07 Corporation Description
Corporation The Netharian Empire Member 9
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