Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:26:37 - Live Ticker



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 +[Recruitment Status: Open]
 +About LARK:
 +Line Ark Security Armaments is a strong weapons manufacturing and Naval Training Corporation, supplying to high-end mercenary groups and alliances within New Eden.
 +Line Ark stood out amongst the rest as a cutting edge weapons manufacturer, being a contractor service whose motto stands to be 'Quality over Quantity.'
-<font size="12" color="#bfffffff">[Recruitment Status: Open]<br><br>About LARK:<br></font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><loc><a href="showinfo:2//98094294">Line Ark Security Armaments</a></loc></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> is a strong weapons manufacturing and Naval Training Corporation, supplying to high-end mercenary groups and alliances within New Eden. <br>Line Ark stood out amongst the rest as a cutting edge weapons manufacturer, being a contractor service whose motto stands to be 'Quality over Quantity.' <br>Professionalism is an absolute must, taking in consideration the business of several top-class Corporations and Alliances that require the best resources for strengthening their armadas. A strong fleet requires the best products that can be obtained at a low, affordable price. Whether supplying to small corporations or large alliances, </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><loc><a href="showinfo:2//98094294">Line Ark Security Armaments</a></loc></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> will be the superior choice in arms manufacturing. <br><br>Roleplay Friendly, Don't have to join in but you are welcome to participate. <br><br>We aim to bring a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That is enjoyable and keeps people coming back to play.<br><br>Currently Recruiting:<br><br>-Aspiring Industrialists/ Mission Enthusists<br>-No Negative security standings (Can be Discussed)<br>-New members/Noob Friendly<br>-Roleplay Friendly<br>-Willing to work as a team, No lone wolves.<br>-Willing to obey the Chain of Command<br>-Above all Have fun<br>-Limited API key needed, Security purposes. Can be discussed<br>- All is welcome, new and old.<br><br>Limited API-Key must be sent by EvEMail to </font><font size="12" color="#ffffa600"><loc><a href="showinfo:1377//90189723">Zombie Berlioz</a></loc></font><font size="12" color="#bfffffff"> and must be titled "Request to join Line Ark, with included Limited Account-API Key"<br><br>Business:<br>All sales are final after 15 days. <br><br>If you are not satisfied with your purchase, the following must be returned:<br>- Ordered Items, including but not limited to:<br> - Ships (Fully repaired and repackaged)<br> - Ammo<br> - Modules (Fully repaired and repackaged)<br> - Other Products that are supplied by Line Ark (Special Conditions apply)<br><br>When items are returned, ISK will be wire-transferred to the customer's account of choice.<br><br>Note: Please allow an estimated time of 2-3 weeks for your order to be processed.<br>(Time limits vary, and order status will be presented on request.)<br><br>Payment will be included in the order upon paperwork. <br>Transporting of manufactured goods will incur a shipping and handling charge to set location. Line Ark will transport any made purchases to any high-security locations. Shipping charge is 3%<br>(For low-security, or null-security, Line Ark will transport the purchases to the nearest high-security station.)<br><br>Business opportunities are welcome. Please contact Mr. Berlioz directly.<br><br><br>'Line Ark...Security for a better tomorrow.' <br>-Line Ark is an Equal Opportunity Employer.-</font>+Professionalism is an absolute must, taking in consideration the business of several top-class Corporations and Alliances that require the best resources for strengthening their armadas. A strong fleet requires the best products that can be obtained at a low, affordable price. Whether supplying to small corporations or large alliances, Line Ark Security Armaments will be the superior choice in arms manufacturing.
 +Roleplay Friendly, Don't have to join in but you are welcome to participate.
 +We aim to bring a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That is enjoyable and keeps people coming back to play.
 +Currently Recruiting:
 +-Aspiring Industrialists/ Mission Enthusists
 +-No Negative security standings (Can be Discussed)
 +-New members/Noob Friendly
 +-Roleplay Friendly
 +-Willing to work as a team, No lone wolves.
 +-Willing to obey the Chain of Command
 +-Above all Have fun
 +-Limited API key needed, Security purposes. Can be discussed
 +- All is welcome, new and old.
 +Limited API-Key must be sent by EvEMail to Zombie Berlioz and must be titled "Request to join Line Ark, with included Limited Account-API Key"
 +All sales are final after 15 days.
 +If you are not satisfied with your purchase, the following must be returned:
 +- Ordered Items, including but not limited to:
 + - Ships (Fully repaired and repackaged)
 + - Ammo
 + - Modules (Fully repaired and repackaged)
 + - Other Products that are supplied by Line Ark (Special Conditions apply)
 +When items are returned, ISK will be wire-transferred to the customer's account of choice.
 +Note: Please allow an estimated time of 2-3 weeks for your order to be processed.
 +(Time limits vary, and order status will be presented on request.)
 +Payment will be included in the order upon paperwork.
 +Transporting of manufactured goods will incur a shipping and handling charge to set location. Line Ark will transport any made purchases to any high-security locations. Shipping charge is 3%
 +(For low-security, or null-security, Line Ark will transport the purchases to the nearest high-security station.)
 +Business opportunities are welcome. Please contact Mr. Berlioz directly.
 +'Line Ark...Security for a better tomorrow.'
 +-Line Ark is an Equal Opportunity Employer.-

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:26:37 Corporation Description
Corporation Line Ark Security Armaments Member 0
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