Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 23:35:28 - Live Ticker



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-We are timeless. We will always exist, we will always linger in space. We rise we fall, brothers we have become through fights and wars<br><br>Invite only<br><br>CVA Friendly, <br>We hunt Pirates,<br>We don't Can flip<br><br>If you catch one of our members violating these rules please report them immediately, and forward any evidence possible.<br><br><a href="showinfo:1376//837346196">Kazuiman</a>, <br><a href="showinfo:1376//1721344160">G'Mork<br></a><br><a href="showinfo:1383//1933099368">Ornfree Taa</a>+We are timeless. We will always exist, we will always linger in space. We rise we fall, brothers we have become through fights and wars
 +Invite only
 +CVA Friendly,
 +We hunt Pirates,
 +We don't Can flip
 +If you catch one of our members violating these rules please report them immediately, and forward any evidence possible.
 +Ornfree Taa

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Resources 2013-01-21 23:35:28 Corporation Description
Corporation Caldari Kriegsmarine Member 1
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