Corporation - Description - 2013-02-02 08:27:46 - Live Ticker



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 [Recruitment Status: Open] [Recruitment Status: Open]
 About LARK: About LARK:
 Line Ark Security Armaments is a strong weapons manufacturing and Naval Training Corporation, supplying to high-end mercenary groups and alliances within New Eden.  Line Ark Security Armaments is a strong weapons manufacturing and Naval Training Corporation, supplying to high-end mercenary groups and alliances within New Eden.
 Line Ark stood out amongst the rest as a cutting edge weapons manufacturer, being a contractor service whose motto stands to be 'Quality over Quantity.'  Line Ark stood out amongst the rest as a cutting edge weapons manufacturer, being a contractor service whose motto stands to be 'Quality over Quantity.'
 Professionalism is an absolute must, taking in consideration the business of several top-class Corporations and Alliances that require the best resources for strengthening their armadas. A strong fleet requires the best products that can be obtained at a low, affordable price. Whether supplying to small corporations or large alliances, Line Ark Security Armaments will be the superior choice in arms manufacturing.  Professionalism is an absolute must, taking in consideration the business of several top-class Corporations and Alliances that require the best resources for strengthening their armadas. A strong fleet requires the best products that can be obtained at a low, affordable price. Whether supplying to small corporations or large alliances, Line Ark Security Armaments will be the superior choice in arms manufacturing.
 Roleplay Friendly, Don't have to join in but you are welcome to participate.  Roleplay Friendly, Don't have to join in but you are welcome to participate.
 We aim to bring a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That is enjoyable and keeps people coming back to play. We aim to bring a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. That is enjoyable and keeps people coming back to play.
 Currently Recruiting: Currently Recruiting:
 -Aspiring Industrialists/ Mission Enthusists -Aspiring Industrialists/ Mission Enthusists
 -No Negative security standings (Can be Discussed) -No Negative security standings (Can be Discussed)
 -New members/Noob Friendly -New members/Noob Friendly
 -Roleplay Friendly -Roleplay Friendly
 -Willing to work as a team, No lone wolves. -Willing to work as a team, No lone wolves.
 -Willing to obey the Chain of Command -Willing to obey the Chain of Command
 -Above all Have fun -Above all Have fun
 -Limited API key needed, Security purposes. Can be discussed -Limited API key needed, Security purposes. Can be discussed
 - All is welcome, new and old. - All is welcome, new and old.
 +-TeamSpeak 3 is needed.
 +-Various Time Zones
 Limited API-Key must be sent by EvEMail to Zombie Berlioz and must be titled "Request to join Line Ark, with included Limited Account-API Key" Limited API-Key must be sent by EvEMail to Zombie Berlioz and must be titled "Request to join Line Ark, with included Limited Account-API Key"
 Business: Business:
 All sales are final after 15 days.  All sales are final after 15 days.
 If you are not satisfied with your purchase, the following must be returned: If you are not satisfied with your purchase, the following must be returned:
 - Ordered Items, including but not limited to: - Ordered Items, including but not limited to:
  - Ships (Fully repaired and repackaged)  - Ships (Fully repaired and repackaged)
  - Ammo  - Ammo
  - Modules (Fully repaired and repackaged)  - Modules (Fully repaired and repackaged)
  - Other Products that are supplied by Line Ark (Special Conditions apply)  - Other Products that are supplied by Line Ark (Special Conditions apply)
 When items are returned, ISK will be wire-transferred to the customer's account of choice. When items are returned, ISK will be wire-transferred to the customer's account of choice.
 Note: Please allow an estimated time of 2-3 weeks for your order to be processed. Note: Please allow an estimated time of 2-3 weeks for your order to be processed.
 (Time limits vary, and order status will be presented on request.) (Time limits vary, and order status will be presented on request.)
 Payment will be included in the order upon paperwork.  Payment will be included in the order upon paperwork.
 Transporting of manufactured goods will incur a shipping and handling charge to set location. Line Ark will transport any made purchases to any high-security locations. Shipping charge is 3% Transporting of manufactured goods will incur a shipping and handling charge to set location. Line Ark will transport any made purchases to any high-security locations. Shipping charge is 3%
 (For low-security, or null-security, Line Ark will transport the purchases to the nearest high-security station.) (For low-security, or null-security, Line Ark will transport the purchases to the nearest high-security station.)
 Business opportunities are welcome. Please contact Mr. Berlioz directly. Business opportunities are welcome. Please contact Mr. Berlioz directly.
 'Line Ark...Security for a better tomorrow.'  'Line Ark...Security for a better tomorrow.'
 -Line Ark is an Equal Opportunity Employer.- -Line Ark is an Equal Opportunity Employer.-

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Resources 2013-02-02 08:27:46 Corporation Description
Corporation Line Ark Security Armaments Member 0
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