Corporation - Description - 2013-03-10 08:26:54 - Live Ticker



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 +13 Rocks and Wrecks LTD. - 13 ROCKS AND WRECKS LTD. <<<use this ad to join corp or alliances
-Please go to, download and install the TeamSpeak 3 client. +Please go to, download and install the TeamSpeak 3 client.
 We are currently accepting select applications.  We are currently accepting select applications.
 We accept all races and experience levels. We accept all races and experience levels.
 All members must be able to chat on Teamspeak. All members must be able to chat on Teamspeak.
 We provide training and help to all members. We provide training and help to all members.
 Come fly with us! Come fly with us!
 Our Beginnings Our Beginnings
 13 ROCKS AND WRECKS LTD. comes from a distant system in the Amarr homeworld where all races came together, made peace and made a home on a rundown ice planet. As time went by we overcame the cold ice by inventing and manufacturing. We made it in to space where it is time to get back at the ice. As the ice melt's in our cargohold, we sit back remembering all the cold nights at home. We all know that our home now is the ships we fly, as Inferno starts, some of us look around and ask what's next..... 13 ROCKS AND WRECKS LTD. comes from a distant system in the Amarr homeworld where all races came together, made peace and made a home on a rundown ice planet. As time went by we overcame the cold ice by inventing and manufacturing. We made it in to space where it is time to get back at the ice. As the ice melt's in our cargohold, we sit back remembering all the cold nights at home. We all know that our home now is the ships we fly, as Inferno starts, some of us look around and ask what's next.....

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Resources 2013-03-10 08:26:54 Corporation Description
Alliance Vindication Mob Member 0
Corporation 13 Rocks and Wrecks LTD. Member 9
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