Corporation - Description - 2014-04-24 08:23:44 - Live Ticker



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 Reprocessing/Refining Service Reprocessing/Refining Service
 Want to get more minerals from the reprocessing of items and ore?  Want to get more minerals from the reprocessing of items and ore?
-Contract these items to Tirion Stark in Amarr (Emperor Family) or GJ0. If you're an Alliance member include only 10k isk to cover the return contract cost. If you're not, include 5 million isk. Tirion has the Scrapmetal processing 5 and a standing of over 7 with Emporer Family (i.e. no waste or tax in Amarr, minimal waste in GJ0 but nothing we can do about -A-'s tax rate). Tirion will reprocess/refine and return the results to you. +Contract these items to Tirion Stark in Amarr. If you're an Alliance member include only 10k isk to cover the return contract cost. If you're not, include 5 million isk. Tirion has the Scrapmetal processing 5 and a standing of over 7 with Emporer Family (i.e. no waste or tax in Amarr). Tirion will reprocess/refine and return the results to you.
-Send an evemail to Deckard's Dream to let me know to get on Tirion and reporcess your stuff. 

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Resources 2014-04-24 08:23:44 Corporation Description
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