Corporation - Description - 2014-05-18 08:05:35 - Live Ticker



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-We are Mercenaries, We Conquer for Cash, but we also Sell Security, Arms & Infrustructure. The planets we conquer will house our factories that will produce our EMPIRE. These factories will build everything from merc equipment and ammunition to starbase's and their defences. Our goal is to be the main supplier or militia and advanced grade equipment in multiple regions. Our motto is "We sell bullets, the best bullets." The question is how many do you want to buy?? If seeking membership list total sp in +We are Mercenaries, We Conquer for Cash, but we also Sell Security, Arms & Infrustructure. The planets we conquer will house our factories that will produce our EMPIRE. These factories will build everything from merc equipment and ammunition to starbase's and their defences. Our goal is to be the main supplier or militia and advanced grade equipment in multiple regions.

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Resources 2014-05-18 08:05:35 Corporation Description
Alliance DARKSTAR ARMY Member 0
Corporation Silver Bullet Solutions Member 36
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