Corporation - Description - 2014-12-16 08:31:23 - Live Ticker



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 +Shattered Stars Holding is a High Sec/WH PvE/Industry focused corporation. We have three objectives:
 +1. To create a friendly environment for socialization and relaxation.
 +2. To become a catalyst in your efforts to maximize your fun in EVE.
-Shattered Stars Holding is a High Sec/WH PvE/Industry focused corporation. Our primary objective is to help new players over the steep starting learning curve while creating a relaxing environment where our members can socialize and enjoy themselves while making a profit.+3. To help new players jump over the steep learning curves and to bring returning vets back up to speed so they can start enjoying the game (again) faster.
-Pub Channel: Shattered Stars Lounge +Public Channel: Shattered Stars Lounge

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Resources 2014-12-16 08:31:23 Corporation Description
Corporation Shattered Stars Holding Member 9
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