Corporation - Description - 2015-01-14 08:58:02 - Live Ticker



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-EVE is a huge fantasy world full of freedom, but in that freedom, we find ourselves easily bound by the need to make ISK. There’s a whole list of skills you need to enjoy this game to the fullest, and I’m not talking about skill books.+This corporation will be used in an extraordinary fashion in preparation to be restarted as it once was and will be again.
-At SITA, we believe that not only should we mission and mine, but we should have fun and enjoy each other’s community. We recognize and develop talent in whatever player comes to us, alt, trial, veteran or otherwise. We seek to train you in almost everything you can do in highsec, including combat (PvE & PvP), mining, exploration, management, fleet command and also how to think about EVE strategically. After all, efficiency is key in EVE.+o7
-Our corp organization mimics that of real life militaries. A ranking system rewards the hard work of very active and responsible players, but allows for casual play and slow place as well. SITA is currently undergoing organisational changes. 
-To join, you should be: 
-*Willing to learn. 
-*Willing to help. 
-*Open-minded and interactable. 
-*Able to at least listen on Teamspeak or EVE voice in times of need. 
-Also, pirates are not welcome here. A positive security status is not required, but is favored. 
-On your application, state who recruited you (if applicable) and what you want to do in EVE. Industry? Market dominator? PvP'r? mission runner? or do you just want to help new players? You've just found your corporation. 
-If you have any questions, contact CEO Estille/Deckard Treoyles 

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Resources 2015-01-14 08:58:02 Corporation Description
Corporation Supreme Interstellar Talent Agency Member 2
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