Corporation - Description - 2015-01-31 09:43:26 - Live Ticker


  • Corporation RePeX. has changed their description


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-If you've clicked our logo, well done! Here you'll find useful information about who we are and what we do. You go Glen Coco! 
-So what do we do? 
-Truth be told we do a bit of everything it's up for our members to decide for themselves. 
-Want to mine 24/7? Do it. 
-Want to sit on a gate waiting for that defenceless hauler? Do it. 
-Mission running? Do it. 
-Sit in the hellhole of Jita staring at spreadsheets until your eyes bleed? if you want... 
-You get the picture, we're pretty laid back and allow our members almost unlimited freedom to do as they wish. We have a few entry restrictions, namely that you speak english and you're not a total dick. 
-So if you want to get in touch, do. 
-Toophat 2Fly - If you want to talk about joining or for whatever inconcievable reason, fighting us. 
-Exia Lennelluc - If you want to talk about PI, mining, mining ops and general minerals. 
-Phaezen Outamon - If you want to talk about exploration and whats going on with materials post strip mining, this is your guy. 
-Knarkit - General all rounder and good guy, always worth a convo. 
-Oh! You wanted to know what RePeX stands for? Well it's: 
-Reacharound Enterprises. Pan-galactic eXpedition.+Recruitment is currently closed.
-Really though we're not sure ourselves, our current CEO inherited the corp and neglected to ask so if you happen to know, help us out! 

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Resources 2015-01-31 09:43:26 Corporation Description
Alliance Absolute Darkness Member 0
Corporation RePeX. Member 5
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