Corporation - Description - 2015-03-08 08:12:43 - Live Ticker



Old New
-Starting as an industrial corporation in Caldali high sec, ARMIL is band of new players who have seen much of EVE and what all wonders and horrors it holds.+ARMIL is small corporation founded in the heart of Caldari space, originally in form of mining / industrial corporation, We have since then evolved and grown into medium sized corporation that both engages in PVP and PVE activities.
-We have lived in every possible type of space, from High to low sec, to our six month adventure into wormholes and then null sec, both as renters and now - as member of sov holding alliance in N3.+Our adventures have tanken us around the new Eden from High sec to null sec and wormhole space. We have been renters and later soldiers in N3 as part of sov holding alliance, Skeleton Crew.
-While we still have our industrial roots, we have been leaning more and more towards PVP, both small gang and fleets.+Today we reside in C4 class wormhole and go where-ever we happen to connect each day.
-You shall fear our T1 fitted, T1 cruiser fleets, piloted by stupidly brave baby piranhas.+ARMIL is closed for recruitment and only way to join us is by being invited. At the current corporation is not seeking more members.
-Contacts for Diplo. +Contacts for Diplo:
-Ro Fenrios or Cerbera Macarbe +Ro Fenrios - CEO / PVP
-Clark Swanson - He will find appropriate meme for you.+Stella Southstar Director / industry

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Resources 2015-03-08 08:12:43 Corporation Description
Alliance Balcora Gatekeepers Member 28
Corporation Armilies Corporation Member 94
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