Corporation - Description - 2009-06-03 14:26:11 - Live Ticker



Old New
 The Holy Grail of Construction Corps The Holy Grail of Construction Corps
 We do everything, from PVP to mining and manufacture, to invention. We do everything, from PVP to mining and manufacture, to invention.
 We welcome players of all ages, experience and vocation. We welcome players of all ages, experience and vocation.
 Our Philosphy - we are playing Eve to have fun, and enjoy all these hours we play. Our Philosphy - we are playing Eve to have fun, and enjoy all these hours we play.
 Activities Include: Activities Include:
-- Access to inventions +- Access to invention
 - ORE-ICE Mining operations w\ORCA and Freighter support. - ORE-ICE Mining operations w\ORCA and Freighter support.
 - Mission Running Level 4's `Small Ship Types Welcome. To Tag Along. - Mission Running Level 4's `Small Ship Types Welcome. To Tag Along.
 - Active PVP (which include access to 0.0 space) We also include large\mid\small PVP op training to get even the youngest players up to speed with the latest tactics. - Active PVP (which include access to 0.0 space) We also include large\mid\small PVP op training to get even the youngest players up to speed with the latest tactics.
 +- Wormhole Exploration / Exploitation
 CEO: Smokin' Dragon . CEO: Smokin' Dragon .
 Contacts: Ian Sabot . Baron Agamemnon Contacts: Ian Sabot . Baron Agamemnon

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Resources 2009-06-03 14:26:11 Corporation Description
Corporation Holy Grail Construction Member 0
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