Corporation - Description - 2009-06-14 14:30:31 - Live Ticker



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 Welcome to Hyper-Nova. We are a highly experienced corp with much to offer old and new players. Hyper-Nova is comprised of expert mission runners, miners, industrials, and PVPer's. We are currently looking for pilots of all skill classes and races, so If you are 1 month+ old ingame, and on a paid account feel free to EVE mail HyperNova's CEO, Hawk Alugi.  Welcome to Hyper-Nova. We are a highly experienced corp with much to offer old and new players. Hyper-Nova is comprised of expert mission runners, miners, industrials, and PVPer's. We are currently looking for pilots of all skill classes and races, so If you are 1 month+ old ingame, and on a paid account feel free to EVE mail HyperNova's CEO, Hawk Alugi.
-We live by the code : One 4 all and all 4 one 
 "An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps,  "An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps,
 fights as a team.  fights as a team.
 This individuality stuff is a bunch of bullshit."  This individuality stuff is a bunch of bullshit."
 - General George Patton Jr - General George Patton Jr

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Resources 2009-06-14 14:30:31 Corporation Description
Alliance Tenth Legion Member 0
Corporation Hyper-Nova Member 19
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