Corporation - Description - 2015-06-17 08:14:31 - Live Ticker



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-If interested in joining a freindly pvp/fw corp, please contact Aurelius Exodus or Sgt Slimm . +If interested in joining a freindly pvp/pve/indy corp please contact Aurelius Exodus or Sgt Slimm .
 If you are interested in being on our blue list, contact the same. Please understand we have a very small blue list so if you are to be on it then you should have a good reason. If you are interested in being on our blue list, contact the same. Please understand we have a very small blue list so if you are to be on it then you should have a good reason.
 If you are butthurt by anything that we do, please understand that from the bottom of my heart, no fucks will be given.  If you are butthurt by anything that we do, please understand that from the bottom of my heart, no fucks will be given.
 For the Pride and the Glory For the Pride and the Glory

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Resources 2015-06-17 08:14:31 Corporation Description
Corporation Pride and Glory Member 11
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