Corporation - Description - 2015-10-25 10:16:06 - Live Ticker



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 Membership invitation by senior staff or members only. Membership invitation by senior staff or members only.
 For the members in White Owls, this is a time out corp. The corp consist's primarily of members (Alts) from other long term corps throughout Eve, many of which still exist. Most of these members have been playing for a very long time. All the members have immense experience and skill training, however, this 'time out' in White Owls is a chance for playing and fooling around without all the pressures and responsibilities of maintaining different POS's, or holding areas under control in many sectors of Eve, including 0.0 and Null Sec territories.  For the members in White Owls, this is a time out corp. The corp consist's primarily of members (Alts) from other long term corps throughout Eve, many of which still exist. Most of these members have been playing for a very long time. All the members have immense experience and skill training, however, this 'time out' in White Owls is a chance for playing and fooling around without all the pressures and responsibilities of maintaining different POS's, or holding areas under control in many sectors of Eve, including 0.0 and Null Sec territories.
 This is not a corp that you will be able to 'War Dec', we've been there and done that, over and over, in many other corps. We pretty much have seen it all, and are no longer that excited about all the kills, loss, and stress, so we are in White Owls, mostly throughout High Sec., and playing the layed back side of Eve, for now. This is not a corp that you will be able to 'War Dec', we've been there and done that, over and over, in many other corps. We pretty much have seen it all, and are no longer that excited about all the kills, loss, and stress, so we are in White Owls, mostly throughout High Sec., and playing the layed back side of Eve, for now.
 If you War Dec us, we will not respond, because we don't wish to waist our time (or yours) or effort dealing with small corps in High Sec who have nothing better to do. For us it's a total waist of time. We wish you great fun and adventure in all you seek throughout Eve. Leave us alone however, because we are tired of all the drama and waisted time and money which in the end achieve's very little of any value. If you War Dec us, we will not respond, because we don't wish to waist our time (or yours) or effort dealing with small corps in High Sec who have nothing better to do. For us it's a total waist of time. We wish you great fun and adventure in all you seek throughout Eve. Leave us alone however, because we are tired of all the drama and waisted time and money which in the end achieve's very little of any value.
-Fly safe, and we all wish you the most fun you can have in Eve. But, leave us the F___K alone !! +Fly safe, and we all wish you the most fun you can have in Eve.
 +But, leave us the F___K alone !!
 The Members of White Owls ............. The Members of White Owls .............

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Resources 2015-10-25 10:16:06 Corporation Description
Corporation White Owls Member 54
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