Corporation - Description - 2009-11-11 16:03:52 - Live Ticker



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 We like rocks. You can heat them up and they keep you warm. You can pick them up and throw them. You can watch as they make the most satisfactory dents in otherwise unforgiving metal. Rocks should be treated with the proper respect by any rocketeer who wants to be more than a space-bum.  We like rocks. You can heat them up and they keep you warm. You can pick them up and throw them. You can watch as they make the most satisfactory dents in otherwise unforgiving metal. Rocks should be treated with the proper respect by any rocketeer who wants to be more than a space-bum.
 GalOre Industries is always accepting recruits. Talk to any GalOre pilot. GalOre Industries is always accepting recruits. Talk to any GalOre pilot.
-CEO/Director Security: Enn Deekay * Deputy CEO: * Director Industry: Enjor Mann * Chief of Staff: Markus Brant * Head of Diplomacy: Bannsdale * Director Exploration: Kalgar Vheroknar * Mission Manager: Acentor * +CEO/Director Security: Enn Deekay * Deputy CEO: * Director Industry: Enjor Mann * Chief of Staff: Markus Brant * Head of Diplomacy: Bannsdale * XO: Rob3rtoyfd * Director Exploration: Kalgar Vheroknar * Mission Manager: Acentor *
 We operate in every space. * Daily mining * combat * missioning * exploration and manufacturing galore!  We operate in every space. * Daily mining * combat * missioning * exploration and manufacturing galore!
 We accept mature rookies * provide training and experience. Good fun, mature ambitious group *  We accept mature rookies * provide training and experience. Good fun, mature ambitious group *
 More information and application form at More information and application form at
 GalOre Industries - Like a rock empowering players to survive in New Eden. Submit your application at Gelfiven HQ. GalOre Industries - Like a rock empowering players to survive in New Eden. Submit your application at Gelfiven HQ.

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Resources 2009-11-11 16:03:52 Corporation Description
Alliance HELM Alliance Member 3
Corporation GalOre Industries Member 2
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