Corporation - Description - 2009-12-06 06:05:46 - Live Ticker



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 An Alliance built on Trust, Friendship, Dedication and Loyalty.  An Alliance built on Trust, Friendship, Dedication and Loyalty.
 We are an alliance dedicated to protecting its members and our allies. If you are interested in becoming part of our team or have any questions about LFA contact one of our command team. We are an alliance dedicated to protecting its members and our allies. If you are interested in becoming part of our team or have any questions about LFA contact one of our command team.
 Diplomatic Issues: LFA-Diplo channel Diplomatic Issues: LFA-Diplo channel
 Lasterax - CEO Lasterax - CEO
 Voltaire Leriel Voltaire Leriel
 Sshen Neriss Sshen Neriss

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Resources 2009-12-06 06:05:46 Corporation Description
Alliance Libertas Fidelitas Member 0
Corporation Libertas Fidelitas Holdings Member 0
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