Corporation - Description - 2009-12-08 06:16:39 - Live Ticker



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-We're a mining crew. That's about it. We like to sit in a belt and blast rocks, chew ore and make jokes at each others expense.+Heretic Industries can provide security/self defense packages to mining/industrial corps at a very low price.
 +light security package containing 20 frigates, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done.
 +price : 20 mill ISK
-There's no better way to have fun than to do what you do best, and we're the best damn mining gang out there. We CAN be hired on the odd occasion to mine for other people, but most of the time we just sell straight from the stockpile.+Medium security package containing 10 cruisers, of your choice from the list below, fully fitted with ammo, drones, and scripts, all ready to fly once the training is done.
 +price: 60 mill ISK
 +we can provide some training and tactics with one of our pilots at added cost.
 +for more info. contact:
 +Sha Ableh or Gerth Dopple

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Resources 2009-12-08 06:16:39 Corporation Description
Alliance Ascendancy United Member 0
Corporation Heretic Industries Member 4
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