Corporation - Description - 2010-01-18 06:15:35 - Live Ticker



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 (PVP Corporation/ PVP training Corporation) (PVP Corporation/ PVP training Corporation)
 Its all about the pilots your flying beside . . . Its all about the pilots your flying beside . . .
 Lets do something different, something fun . . . something worth logging on for. We have capital ship pilots, but unlike other corporations we have no SP requirements for entrance, nor will we ever . . .  Lets do something different, something fun . . . something worth logging on for. We have capital ship pilots, but unlike other corporations we have no SP requirements for entrance, nor will we ever . . .
 As soon as your inside of a Tech II fitted blackbird YOU are an essential part of our combined strength, no pilot is worth less then any other pilot, no one is ever left out, PERIOD. As soon as your inside of a Tech II fitted blackbird YOU are an essential part of our combined strength, no pilot is worth less then any other pilot, no one is ever left out, PERIOD.
 Lets bring 0.0 tactics to Empire, Low Sec tactics to 0.0, and everything else in-between. Lets get our moneys worth out of this game, and play it the way WE want to play it. Our gangs will be coordinated, our fleets will be in tight formations, and we will have enough EWAR to be the bane of our enemies.  Lets bring 0.0 tactics to Empire, Low Sec tactics to 0.0, and everything else in-between. Lets get our moneys worth out of this game, and play it the way WE want to play it. Our gangs will be coordinated, our fleets will be in tight formations, and we will have enough EWAR to be the bane of our enemies.
 You want in?? You want in??
-Contact: Eternum Praetorian 

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Resources 2010-01-18 06:15:35 Corporation Description
Alliance E-P-O-C-H Member 0
Corporation Retribution. Inc. Member 14
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