Corporation - Description - 2016-10-25 08:38:40 - Live Ticker



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-Space Fuzzies welcomes Chillbros, Oldbros and Newbros 
-Recruitment Channel: Space Fuzziness +Space Fuzzies
-Mainly EU timezone. 
-You can chill here bro. 
-Internet space empires are hard work, we haven't got much time for that, because /effort/ and jobs, but we do have time to build a friendly and fun community that welcomes all flavours of Eve players, Newbro's and seasoned vets alike. Our complete lack of direction means that we that we don't discriminate, miners, PVE'ers and PVP'ers can all drop anchor and chill from '93 'till. 
-We're here for you buddy! 
-If you're brand new to the game we've got you covered. We'll get you started with a little isk and a free ship up to a t1 cruiser (such wow!) We'll also be taking cheap fleets of t1 cruisers out on regular roams and while you're getting on your feet we'll supply you with free pvp ships (t1 frigates/cruisers) so you can come along and try your hand at violencing some spaceboats with us. We will also be running mining fleets as well as incursion gangs so there will always be opportunities to fly alongside your spacebro's. 
-It's only a game. 
-While we do not encourage flying through null in an officer fit frigate, it's your game and your isk and we're not gonna get mad about killboards, or much else for that matter. We're here to relax and have fun. 
-We expect exactly zero committment from you, never undocking and just chatting in our channels and spamming links to that awesome new track you've just found is cool with us. If you're a Newbro we won't try to tie you to the corp, you can come and learn a few tricks with us and when you feel like you're ready to move on we'll help you onto bigger and better things with larger and/or more focused corps/alliances. Or you can chill with the Fuzzies, no worries. 

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Resources 2016-10-25 08:38:40 Corporation Description
Corporation Space Fuzzies Member 3
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