Corporation - Description - 2010-03-23 06:20:00 - Live Ticker



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 "Brothers will fight "Brothers will fight
 and kill each other, and kill each other,
 sisters' children sisters' children
 will defile kinship. will defile kinship.
 It is harsh in the world, It is harsh in the world,
 whoredom rife whoredom rife
 —an axe age, a sword age— —an axe age, a sword age—
 —shields are riven— —shields are riven—
 —a wind age, a wolf age— —a wind age, a wolf age—
 before the world goes headlong. before the world goes headlong.
 No man will have No man will have
 mercy on another." - Völuspá mercy on another." - Völuspá
-Ragnarök Rising is a PVP Corporation committed to increasing the glory of the Gallente and Minmatar nations through unparalleled combat, in the true Norse tradition. Contact may be made through the "Ragnarok Public" channel +Ragnarök Rising is a PVP Corporation committed to increasing the glory of the Gallente and Minmatar nations through unparalleled combat, in the true Norse tradition.
 Pineapple Express Assult Squad has surrendered to Ragnarok Rising. Pineapple Express Assult Squad has surrendered to Ragnarok Rising.
 Gargoyle Syndicate has surrendered to Ragnarok Rising. Gargoyle Syndicate has surrendered to Ragnarok Rising.

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Resources 2010-03-23 06:20:00 Corporation Description
Alliance THE SPACE P0LICE Member 0
Corporation Ragnarok Rising Member 3
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