Corporation - Description - 2017-04-04 08:08:16 - Live Ticker



Old New
 We are a relaxed RL comes first PVP/0.0/Mining/PVE/Production corp. (all rounder)  We are a relaxed RL comes first PVP/0.0/Mining/PVE/Production corp. (all rounder)
 What We Can Offer; What We Can Offer;
 *Corp Ore Buy Back Plan  *Corp Ore Buy Back Plan
 *Mining ops (orca and rorqual led) *Mining ops (orca and rorqual led)
 *LEVEL 5 Missions access and missioning in group. *LEVEL 5 Missions access and missioning in group.
-*Discounted Ships (make-to-order) +*Discounted Ships (made-to-order)
 *Training & Guidance Given (if needed) *Training & Guidance Given (if needed)
 *Low-sec/Null-sec roams *Low-sec/Null-sec roams
 *BPO access for production *BPO access for production
 *WH OPs *WH OPs
 *Ventrilo/TS3/KB/Forum *Ventrilo/TS3/KB/Forum
 Recruitment is: Open (as long as we are not at war) Recruitment is: Open (as long as we are not at war)
 (Please include limited API and User ID number when applying) (Please include limited API and User ID number when applying)
 For Join Info Please Contact; For Join Info Please Contact;
-K5Project, Syila +K5Project

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Resources 2017-04-04 08:08:16 Corporation Description
Alliance Armada Assail Member 4
Corporation Imperial Manufactorum Member 4
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